Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Berry Picking

We went to pick some blueberries, boysenberries, and marionberries at a nearby farm. It was quiet and peaceful. It was nice to have an escape outside. I made a lovely galette with the berries and some fresh apricots.



Berry and Apricot Galette


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Late Spring Blooms

Here are a few photographs of flowers taken during my walks.

Oregon Checkerbloom

Photograph of Oregon Checkbloom

Raindrops on a Rose

Photograph of a Rose Bloom

Columbine Flower

Photograph of a Columbine Flower

Bush Anemone

Photograph of a Bush Anemone


Monday, May 23, 2022

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Here are a couple of photographs I took at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden this past weekend. It's a lovely place to visit in the spring when the flowers are blooming.

Reflections at the Crystal Springs Lake




Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Flowers and A New Leaf

There have been some signs of spring here in Portland though many days have felt as blustery and cold as winter. I brought out my sundresses a month ago, but still have yet to wear them. Today, the sun is peaking out from behind the rain clouds, and I feel like spring is in the air. I'm not quite sure if I'm falling for another one of Mother Nature's tricks or not...

Flowers are blooming all the same. Here are a few recent photos from my walks near home.

A pretty beach strawberry bloom:

Beach Strawberry

A saturated photograph of a little buttercup:


A delicate iris in the park:


A new leaf unfurling in my window garden:

New Leaf Unfurling


Friday, April 22, 2022


Poem and black and white photograph of a hummingbird by Ingrid Lobo


Saturday, March 26, 2022

More Photos of Cherry Trees in Bloom

Here are a few more pretty photos of the blooming cherry trees on the waterfront in Portland, Oregon.

Cherry Blossoms in Portland, Oregon

Cherry Blossoms in Portland, Oregon

Cherry Blossoms in Portland, Oregon

Cherry Blossoms in Portland, Oregon

Cherry Blossoms in Portland, Oregon


Monday, March 21, 2022

Cherry Blossoms on the Waterfront

In Portland, the prettiest time of the year to walk on the waterfront is when the cherry blossoms are blooming in March or April. The trees are gorgeous when they're in bloom.

I wish the city would plant a few new trees each year and eventually cover the entire stretch of the waterfront park. Wouldn't that be lovely?

Photograph of cherry blossoms by the Steel Bridge in Portland, Oregon.

Cherry blossoms on the waterfront in Portland, Oregon.

Cherry blossoms on the waterfront in Portland, Oregon.

Cherry blossoms on the waterfront in Portland, Oregon.


Friday, March 4, 2022

Trees and Hellebore

Here are a couple of photos from my recent walks around Portland, Oregon.

The first was taken on a misty day in Forest Park.

Photo of a Forest in Portland Oregon

This second photo of hellebore was taken during a walk near my home.

photograph of Hellebore Flower


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

In the Forest

A couple photos taken along the Macleay trails in Forest Park.

Photo of trees

Photo of a creek running through a forest
